Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This was a letter from a young woman who bought all three of my books. She told me when I asked her what she thought of them, that she cried after she read them. I can honestly say, I've got that memory on my top five of most amazing moments in my life. It makes everything, the ups and downs, the disappointments and the uncomfortable openness needed in order to write books about orgasms, worth it.

This is a small section of her letter;
"After reading your books I feel compelled to write to you personally, I have so much I could share with you, I’m not even sure where to begin. Let me confirm that you are in fact helping people. Reading your book was PIVOTAL for me. I feel like YOUR BOOK FOUND ME. I have had nothing but doubts, and questions, and curiosities about my body and pleasure and being truly connected with myself. It’s hard to explain but it felt like your books gave me ‘permission’ I needed, allowing myself the right to explore, uncover and pursue the pleasure that has been locked up inside of me for so long."

When one ventures into an enterprise as I did, of writing books pertaining to an incredibly personal subject, still taboo even in this day and age, you imagine helping a multitude. At the end of the day that's up to the universe. I've put it out there, and continue to make efforts to reach people (although judging by my blogging and tweeting and Facebook page people would think I've fallen off the planet; truth is I am not comfortable with social media… not with this topic) but what will be will be. And hearing one woman tell me she felt freed by the information I put on those pages, it validated every effort I had ever made in regards to the Much Better Than Chocolate Series.

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